Note: URIs, definitions, domains and ranges are present in the EDAM.owl file. EDAM relations apply between concepts and/or annotated entities.
Relation | Inverse | Maintained in EDAM | Example |
has input | is input of | Operation has input Data | Sequence annotation has input Sequence record |
has output | is output of | Operation has output Data | RNA structure prediction has output RNA structure record |
has topic | is topic of | Operation or Data has topic Topic |
Phylogenetic tree
has topic
has format | is format of | Format is format of Data |
is format of
Processed microarray data
has identifier | is identifier of | Identifier is identifier of Data |
InterPro accession
is identifier of
Protein signature
has function | is function of | not between EDAM concepts | a tool has function
Sequence assembly
Some concepts have additional properties declared in EDAM:
Citation contains a dereferenceable URI, preferrably including a DOI, pointing to a citeable publication of the given data format.
Created in states which version of EDAM a concept was added in.
Documentation includes a URL within a Format concept pointing to its documentation.
Example lists one or more valid examples (among the identifiers).
File extension lists examples of usual file extensions of a format.
Media type includes a link pointing to a page specifying a media type of the given data format.
Obsolete since states the version since which an obsolete concept has been deprecated.
Regular expression constrains allowed values of types of identifiers (mostly accessions) and is useful for validation of inputs to tools.