format-version: 1.2 ! Relation definitions from EDAM_1.2.obo ! ! (Note: the property definitions (OBO-format metadata tags) are currently not present in the OBO-format version) ! [Typedef] id: has_format name: has format comment: Subject A can be any concept or entity outside of an ontology (or an ontology concept in a role of an entity being semantically annotated) that is (or is in a role of) 'Data', or an input, output, input or output argument of an 'Operation'. Object B can either be a concept that is a 'Format', or in unexpected cases an entity outside of an ontology that is a 'Format' or is in the role of a 'Format'. In EDAM, 'has_format' is not explicitly defined between EDAM concepts, only the inverse 'is_format_of'. subset: bioinformatics subset: edam subset: relations synonym: "has-quality" RELATED [] synonym: "OBI:0000298" RELATED [] def: "'A has_format B' defines for the subject A, that it has the object B as its data format." [] is_anti_symmetric: false is_reflexive: false is_symmetric: false is_cyclic: false transitive_over: OBO_REL:is_a domain: EDAM_data:0006 ! Data range: EDAM_format:1915 ! Format [Typedef] id: has_function name: has function comment: Subject A can be any concept or entity outside of an ontology (or an ontology concept in a role of an entity being semantically annotated). Object B can either be a concept that is (or is in a role of) a function, or an entity outside of an ontology that is (or is in a role of) a function specification. In the scope of EDAM, 'has_function' serves only for relating annotated entities outside of EDAM with 'Operation' concepts. subset: bioinformatics subset: edam subset: relations synonym: "has-quality" RELATED [] synonym: "has_function" EXACT [] synonym: "OBI:0000306" NARROW [] synonym: "OBO_REL:bearer_of" RELATED [] def: "'A has_function B' defines for the subject A, that it has the object B as its function." [] is_anti_symmetric: false is_reflexive: false is_symmetric: false is_cyclic: true transitive_over: OBO_REL:is_a range: EDAM_operation:0004 ! Operation [Typedef] id: has_identifier name: has identifier comment: Subject A can be any concept or entity outside of an ontology (or an ontology concept in a role of an entity being semantically annotated). Object B can either be a concept that is an 'Identifier', or an entity outside of an ontology that is an 'Identifier' or is in the role of an 'Identifier'. In EDAM, 'has_identifier' is not explicitly defined between EDAM concepts, only the inverse 'is_identifier_of'. subset: bioinformatics subset: edam subset: relations def: "'A has_identifier B' defines for the subject A, that it has the object B as its identifier." [] is_anti_symmetric: false is_reflexive: false is_symmetric: false is_cyclic: false transitive_over: OBO_REL:is_a domain: EDAM_data:0006 ! Data range: EDAM_data:0842 ! Identifier [Typedef] id: has_input name: has input comment: Subject A can either be concept that is or has an 'Operation' function, or an entity outside of an ontology (or an ontology concept in a role of an entity being semantically annotated) that has an 'Operation' function or is an 'Operation'. Object B can be any concept or entity. In EDAM, only 'has_input' is explicitly defined between EDAM concepts ('Operation' 'has_input' 'Data'). The inverse, 'is_input_of', is not explicitly defined. subset: bioinformatics subset: edam subset: relations synonym: "has_input" EXACT [] synonym: "OBI:0000293" NARROW [] synonym: "OBO_REL:has_participant" RELATED [] def: "'A has_input B' defines for the subject A, that it has the object B as a necessary or actual input or input argument." [] is_anti_symmetric: false is_reflexive: false is_symmetric: false is_cyclic: true transitive_over: OBO_REL:is_a domain: EDAM_operation:0004 ! Operation range: EDAM_data:0006 ! Data [Typedef] id: has_output name: has output comment: Subject A can either be concept that is or has an 'Operation' function, or an entity outside of an ontology (or an ontology concept in a role of an entity being semantically annotated) that has an 'Operation' function or is an 'Operation'. Object B can be any concept or entity. In EDAM, only 'has_output' is explicitly defined between EDAM concepts ('Operation' 'has_output' 'Data'). The inverse, 'is_output_of', is not explicitly defined. subset: bioinformatics subset: edam subset: relations synonym: "has_output" EXACT [] synonym: "OBI:0000299" NARROW [] synonym: "OBO_REL:has_participant" RELATED [] def: "'A has_output B' defines for the subject A, that it has the object B as a necessary or actual output or output argument." [] is_anti_symmetric: false is_reflexive: false is_symmetric: false is_cyclic: true transitive_over: OBO_REL:is_a domain: EDAM_operation:0004 ! Operation range: EDAM_data:0006 ! Data [Typedef] id: has_topic name: has topic comment: Subject A can be any concept or entity outside of an ontology (or an ontology concept in a role of an entity being semantically annotated). Object B can either be a concept that is a 'Topic', or in unexpected cases an entity outside of an ontology that is a 'Topic' or is in the role of a 'Topic'. In EDAM, only 'has_topic' is explicitly defined between EDAM concepts ('Operation' or 'Data' 'has_topic' 'Topic'). The inverse, 'is_topic_of', is not explicitly defined. subset: bioinformatics subset: edam subset: relations synonym: "has-quality" RELATED [] synonym: "hasTopic" RELATED [] synonym: "IAO:0000136" RELATED [] synonym: "OBI:0000298" RELATED [] def: "'A has_topic B' defines for the subject A, that it has the object B as its topic (A is in the scope of a topic B)." [] is_anti_symmetric: false is_reflexive: false is_symmetric: false is_cyclic: true transitive_over: OBO_REL:is_a range: EDAM_topic:0003 ! Topic [Typedef] id: is_format_of name: is format of comment: Subject A can either be a concept that is a 'Format', or in unexpected cases an entity outside of an ontology (or an ontology concept in a role of an entity being semantically annotated) that is a 'Format' or is in the role of a 'Format'. Object B can be any concept or entity outside of an ontology that is (or is in a role of) 'Data', or an input, output, input or output argument of an 'Operation'. In EDAM, only 'is_format_of' is explicitly defined between EDAM concepts ('Format' 'is_format_of' 'Data'). The inverse, 'has_format', is not explicitly defined. subset: bioinformatics subset: edam subset: relations synonym: "inherent-in" RELATED [] synonym: "OBO_REL:quality_of" RELATED [] def: "'A is_format_of B' defines for the subject A, that it is a data format of the object B." [] is_anti_symmetric: false is_reflexive: false is_symmetric: false is_cyclic: false transitive_over: OBO_REL:is_a domain: EDAM_format:1915 ! Format range: EDAM_data:0006 ! Data inverse_of: has_format ! has format [Typedef] id: is_function_of name: is function of comment: Subject A can either be concept that is (or is in a role of) a function, or an entity outside of an ontology (or an ontology concept in a role of an entity being semantically annotated) that is (or is in a role of) a function specification. Object B can be any concept or entity. Within EDAM itself, 'is_function_of' is not used. subset: bioinformatics subset: edam subset: relations synonym: "" EXACT [] synonym: "inherent-in" RELATED [] synonym: "OBO_REL:function_of" NARROW [] synonym: "OBO_REL:inheres_in" RELATED [] def: "'A is_function_of B' defines for the subject A, that it is a function of the object B." [] is_anti_symmetric: false is_reflexive: false is_symmetric: false is_cyclic: true transitive_over: OBO_REL:is_a domain: EDAM_operation:0004 ! Operation inverse_of: has_function ! has function [Typedef] id: is_identifier_of name: is identifier of comment: Subject A can either be a concept that is an 'Identifier', or an entity outside of an ontology (or an ontology concept in a role of an entity being semantically annotated) that is an 'Identifier' or is in the role of an 'Identifier'. Object B can be any concept or entity outside of an ontology. In EDAM, only 'is_identifier_of' is explicitly defined between EDAM concepts (only 'Identifier' 'is_identifier_of' 'Data'). The inverse, 'has_identifier', is not explicitly defined. subset: bioinformatics subset: edam subset: relations def: "'A is_identifier_of B' defines for the subject A, that it is an identifier of the object B." [] is_anti_symmetric: false is_reflexive: false is_symmetric: false is_cyclic: false transitive_over: OBO_REL:is_a domain: EDAM_data:0842 ! Identifier range: EDAM_data:0006 ! Data inverse_of: has_identifier ! has identifier [Typedef] id: is_input_of name: is input of comment: Subject A can be any concept or entity outside of an ontology (or an ontology concept in a role of an entity being semantically annotated). Object B can either be a concept that is or has an 'Operation' function, or an entity outside of an ontology that has an 'Operation' function or is an 'Operation'. In EDAM, 'is_input_of' is not explicitly defined between EDAM concepts, only the inverse 'has_input'. subset: bioinformatics subset: edam subset: relations synonym: "" EXACT [] synonym: "OBI:0000295" NARROW [] synonym: "OBO_REL:participates_in" RELATED [] def: "'A is_input_of B' defines for the subject A, that it as a necessary or actual input or input argument of the object B." [] is_anti_symmetric: false is_reflexive: false is_symmetric: false is_cyclic: true transitive_over: OBO_REL:is_a domain: EDAM_data:0006 ! Data range: EDAM_operation:0004 ! Operation inverse_of: has_input ! has input [Typedef] id: is_output_of name: is output of comment: Subject A can be any concept or entity outside of an ontology (or an ontology concept in a role of an entity being semantically annotated). Object B can either be a concept that is or has an 'Operation' function, or an entity outside of an ontology that has an 'Operation' function or is an 'Operation'. In EDAM, 'is_output_of' is not explicitly defined between EDAM concepts, only the inverse 'has_output'. subset: bioinformatics subset: edam subset: relations synonym: "" EXACT [] synonym: "OBI:0000312" NARROW [] synonym: "OBO_REL:participates_in" RELATED [] def: "'A is_output_of B' defines for the subject A, that it as a necessary or actual output or output argument of the object B." [] is_anti_symmetric: false is_reflexive: false is_symmetric: false is_cyclic: true transitive_over: OBO_REL:is_a domain: EDAM_data:0006 ! Data range: EDAM_operation:0004 ! Operation inverse_of: has_output ! has output [Typedef] id: is_topic_of name: is topic of comment: Subject A can either be a concept that is a 'Topic', or in unexpected cases an entity outside of an ontology (or an ontology concept in a role of an entity being semantically annotated) that is a 'Topic' or is in the role of a 'Topic'. Object B can be any concept or entity outside of an ontology. In EDAM, 'is_topic_of' is not explicitly defined between EDAM concepts, only the inverse 'has_topic'. subset: bioinformatics subset: edam subset: relations synonym: "inherent-in" RELATED [] synonym: "OBO_REL:quality_of" RELATED [] def: "'A is_topic_of B' defines for the subject A, that it is a topic of the object B (a topic A is the scope of B)." [] is_anti_symmetric: false is_reflexive: false is_symmetric: false is_cyclic: true transitive_over: OBO_REL:is_a domain: EDAM_topic:0003 ! Topic inverse_of: has_topic ! has topic